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Validation Institute | RD Whitney | Certified Health Value Professional – Get Up, Stand Up! Stand up for your cost savings rights!

Podcast Show Notes

Our podcast discussion today between Michael Andrade and RD Whitney, CEO of the Validation Institute.  Have you ever gotten a phone call from a vendor or service provider that made an extraordinary claim for savings or engagement and thought to yourself, “Is this for real?”  Well RD’s company validates service providers claims using an independent approach and also trains individuals through their Certified Health Value Professional (CHVP) certification program.

Validation Institute begins with roots and ties to Intel & GE.  Both were making performance claims and came up with the idea for an institute to validiate a performance claim of vendors selling directly to employers.  If you’re improving outcomes or cost, there should be a way to validate the claim.  The institute seeks to bring certainty to providers and passion lies in how to validate some of the claims that seek to attack as Warren Buffet calls it, “the tapeworm of American profitability,” the US healthcare System.  Vidar Jorgensen is now the main shareholder for the Validation Institute.

Wellbeing companies are all doing something to show value but there’s not a consistent model to evaluate effectiveness.  There are over 3,000 companies in the Validation Institute’s exchange.  Strong interrelation between validation, profitability, and employee retention for companies that are embracing healthcare as a way to improve value to their employees.

Validation institute has 25 separate categories of services that health value consumers will buy.  Online educational program to delve into Health Value.  Validation process is important, the real value though is educating the buyers of healthcare.  Education is created, CHVP – 15 hours and makes the individual a better consumer of health value.

Are you interested in getting the core module for free?  This is an intro to teach you how to give a critical analysis yourself? Send RD and email to: [email protected] mention this show and get the first course for free.

In our call we discuss the following:

  • Validation Process – What a company must do to get the certification and how the Validation Institute will coach the provider if they fail or don’t have enough data to validate their claim.
  • Educational Program – CHVP – How you as a purchaser of health services for your employees can empower yourself to identify if a company can validate their claim.
  • Exchange – Listing of health value providers, validation status, and rating by CVHP’s that have used them.

If you’d like to learn how this and other programs can fit into your benefit strategy please feel free to contact me: Michael Andrade (832) 236-8966

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