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Medliminal | Jim Napoli | My Hero! This guy is a real Foo Fighter!

Welcome to the Solving Healthcare Podcast. Our guest today is James Napoli, CEO of MedLiminal. Did you know there’s an estimated $67 Billion Dollars in claim overpayment and that 90% of hospital claims have billing errors? How much money is your healthplan overpaying for medical claims? Medliminal has historically been able to recover $100,000 to $200,000 for every $1,000,000 in medical claims reviewed. Sound too good to be true? Then you need to listen to this podcast to understand why and how your current plan adminstrator may be allowing this and how healthcare providers get away with this. Traditional health plan audits are not enough as these audits don’t review the legality of a claim submission, nor the have the expertise to review the appropriateness of the charges, rather a claim will be audited against it was process correctly according to the provider contracts and payment rules. Using a combination of legal expertise, nurse review, coders, and a very sophisticated artificial intelligence process they call H-Cat, Medliminal is able to deliver a line by line review of every hospital bill that is presented to them. If you have a self-funded plan then you need to listen to this podcast.

Jim’s background as a litigator in the healthcare space give him a unique perspective to lead his company. Listen to this podcast and learn how his company is structured, how his rules based system H-CAT accelerates the review and recovery process, and how his team and legal approach to recoveries can help your company.

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