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In this interview with Dave Chase, we discuss the foundation of his organization Health Rosetta, and how they are helping to shape and solve healthcare.   We discuss the opportunity employers have to implement principles that could materially change healthcare for their employees and also alleviate many of the financial challenges that are bankrupting individuals.  (Approx 70% of all bankruptcies are for healthcare related issues and from that over 90% of these bankruptcies are from individuals that have insurance.)  You should be concerned as an employer by the current state of healthcare and also inspired by many of the solutions available NOW to empower a framework for your organization that not only improve benefits, but do so at a lower cost.

At the core of conversation is discussion of what Dave refers to in his article published in Forbes Magazine This Job Could Save America and how your choice of broker/consultant can have a material impact on whether or not you embrace the tenets of Health Rosetta principles, or fall in the category of status quo.   From Dave’s two books he outlines proven strategies that get to the core of advocating quality based cost effective care through Value Based Primary Care, Aggregated purchasing for programs commonly used for national and larger employers, and eliminating a traditional PPO network replacing with Transparent Open Networks and Reference Based Pricing as the starting point for direct contracting.

This is a must listen as quite honeslty the foundation of Health Rosetta and principles given can help you lead the way to empowering you and your plan to significantly reposition your benefit plan to serve your organization rather than the other way around.

If you’d like to contact me to learn more about how these principles can be integrated into your organization, feel free to connect with me on Linked In: Michael Andrade connect with me through my website, Solving Healthcare or call me (832) 236-8966